Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Marae poem Josh

Arahura marae
Before we went we had some kai
We went in a bus
And we had a fuss
And when we came to Arahura marae
I just wanted some more kai
We went up the hill.
And it was a kill
We came to the gates
And I said to my mates
This is going to be a blast
I wonder how long this will last
We went in we had a song
But hey it wasn't long
We sat down we took off our shoes
And when we went in it made me blue
We sat down we had a song
Ok maybe that was a bit long
We got up we had a hongi
Hey it reminded me of “Longi”
The instructor told us what to do
Hey there were only a few
Finally at Arahura marae
We had some kai
We had some games
We had a bonfire
Hey i'm not a liar
We had some marshmallows
We went to sleep
Hey my dream was cheap!

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