Tuesday, 4 April 2017



  1. Hi Josh,
    My name is Zahra and I am from Panmure Bridge School.
    I like your creative DLO on the water cycle. I also like how you made it yourself on google drawings. Maybe next time you could add a blurb explaining what you did.

    Keep up the great work.
    ( Remember to comment on my blog - http://pbszahraf.blogspot.co.nz/ )

  2. Hey thanks Zahara, I've never heard of Panmure Bridge School.
    I will trie to look it up. Yeah so my naes Josh and as you know I'm a student at Karoro School. So thankyou for what you said. I will try and put a blurb next time and I will make sure of it. Well see ya.
    Your Friend Josh. C


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.