Thursday, 30 November 2017

Batman:Steroid Abomination!

It was a silent night.
It was 11:43 there were 2 shadow lurking the streets.
2 people were standing on the dirty rooftop of the Gotham cathedral.
And those 2 people were… Batman and Robin.
The saviours of Gotham city, Batman the Dark Knight and Robin the Boy Wonder.

They were checking out the city.
Making sure there was no crime.
But there wasn’t one night without crime in Gotham.
They were about to go home when they heard a girl screaming.
The two jumped across the rooftops running to where he scream came from and when they finally reached their destination they saw a woman.
The woman was probably in her late 20s.

Then he saw the two men behind and infront of the woman both holding guns. They were closing in on the woman and were really close when batman threw two of  his batarangs knocking the two guns out of the mens hands.

Batman then  flew down to save her with Robin on his trail. When they got down Batman kicked one of the men in the top half of his leg letting the woman go free.

Robin then got down to help by fighting the other man.
He punched the other guy in the in the solar plexus putting him down for a few seconds.
Batman then knocked the other one out by smashing one of his smoke bombs and punching him straight in head.

Batman ran to help Robin take down the other thug but Robin kicked him in the stomach pushing the thug down to the ground.
When they finished tieing them up and leaving them to the police.

Then the batmobile drove towards them self driving and batman then pushed a button. The button was a bright read button reading STOP.  
They then jumped into the Batmobile and drove away.

Meanwhile walking by a school was a guy, this guy's name is Antonio Diego.

As he was walking he looked at the school.
A flashback then popped up.
It was one of his own childhood
“In his flashback he had been bullied and all the kids in the school laughed at him when the biggest bully in in the school bullied him.
No matter who it was.
If it was a he or she, Big or small, old or young he would always get bullied. It was sad that this flashback was actually real, and that he had been bullied all his life.

Finally Antonio awaked from his flashback.
He hates his flashbacks, they are always sad to him.
But he always forgets them.
He started walking again and noticed two shoes tied together hanging on the electric poles.
Shoes on electric poles means that there is a secret drug store somewhere. You just need to spot it.

Antonio was a drug addict  So he knows what he is doing.
He saw a Shop with the words Out of business and goes inside.
But this is no out of business shop, This was the drug store.

Antonio started to walk round the shop.
“ Got any marijuana?” He asked the shopkeeper.
The keeper pointed to aisle 3.
Antonio walked into isle three and see’s marijuana As well as Venom and Steroids on either sides of it.
He thought about it and decided to buy all three to make a new drug.
He brings them to the counter and giving the man 50 bucks.
“ Gonna need more than that” the shopkeeper stated.
Antonio put 10 more bucks on the counter.
The shopkeeper looked at it and looked up again.
So antonio gave him more.
Finally he accepted and gave him the items.
Antonio left before the man changed his mind.

Meanwhile batman and robin were close to the bat cave.
“you really need to find a woman!” Robin sad to batman.
Batman turned his head and stared at him for less than 5 seconds before turning his head back to the road.

“ How was your math test?” Batman asked.
“I got a D”
“ you really should study more, In Fact when we get back your going to study for 10 minutes then go to bed.
“Why!” Robin asked
“Because it's thursday!”
“NO VIDEO GAMES?” Yelled robin,
“ No Video games” Batman crowed.

As Antonio was walking home he was thinking how rich he would be if he Make a new addictive drug.
When he got home he  put the Marijuana, Steroids and venom on his kitchen bench.
As he walked down his hallway and walks into his room and pulled a injection needle out of his top draw.
He then closed it and brought it to the kitchen.

He got his blender and plugged it into the wall.
Then picked up the marijuana and placed it into the blender. He then pushed the on button and it started.
When it had become dust he added the venom and steroids.
Between 1 or 2  minutes they all mixed in, After it had mixed he poured it into a cup picking up the injection needle and getting ready to inject himself.
Nervous he was but he had meet some other drug atics who lost their fear from drugs, so stuff it.

He had sucked the formula into the the needle and with a skip of a heartbeat he injected himself.
It was a little painful so he pulled it out, but the formula was already injected.
He didn’t feel anything different so it must not have worked.
To bad he thought, carrying the needle back to his bedroom.
When he was in his room he was about to put the needle back in his draw when he was finally feeling different.

At first it was a little heart pain but then his entire body started aching.
He was so sore he started to shake.
He was about to walk 0out the door when his legs started to wobble.
The pain in his body started to grow.
He tried to walk again but instead of walking forward he was walking backwards.
The pain was worse than ever now, so bad that he started to scream.
The pain was all over his body even in his hands making the needle drop to the ground.
He dropped to the ground on his hands and knees crawling towards the door but there was no use.

When he was less than than a metre away he looked up to the ceiling and screamed once more.
Louder than before.
Louder than any man has ever screamed.
The drug was working different than what he expected.
So different that his 2 Scapulas begin to move along with his arms and spine.
Finally he stopped moving along with scalpels and spine.

The screaming in him stopped also.
Antonio felt Different, Better, Stronger.
He stood up with no pain what so ever.
He moved his arms, No pain at all.
He looked himself in the mirror.
His shirt was half ripped and his face was covered in popping veins.
The reflection scared himself.
“ No one can see me like thais!” He thought.
going through his draw of masks he finally found one that fitted him.
It was a black mask with red a white coloured designs.

In the Batcave under Wayne Manor Batman was getting out of the Batsuit. When he had he opened a door that lead to a pile of stairs.
When he had finished them all he was in the main room of wayne manor. Alfred was standing in the middle of it with his mid night coffee.
“ Wayne tower called 15 minutes ago” Alfred mentioned “ They wanted to talk to you about the finance of the thomas and martha wayne home for orphan children”.
“ tell them I will call them in the morning”.
And by that he rn upstairs to make sure Jason Todd Was doing his homework.
“ Finish that page then go to bed” Bruce reported.
“ Fine” Jason replied.

In the middle of town Antonio was walking down Canal St.
He was wearing his mask So it wasn’t easy to see.
Not so good that he didn’t see someone coming towards him and bump into him.
“ What the hell bro!” the man yelled.
“ You bumped into me” antonio replied
“ You talking back bro… Because me and my mates get angry really easy Bro!”.

“Was that the last bro?” antonio asked.
The man then punched antio in the face getting ready to do it again but this time antonio caught the punch and threw him into a bush.
There were 2 policeman checking out the city that night.
One of them noticed antonio throwing a guy into the bush.
Of course they got worse than that but he went out to stop the fight.
“ HEY!” the policeman yelled going to put his hand on antonio's shoulder.
But before he could antonio grabbed his arm and threw him onto the road getting hit by a car.
“Bryce!” the other policeman yelled going to nurse his partner.
“Man down, need back up” the man barked on his radio.

All the way at wayne manor Bruce wayne was filling out forms for the wayne tower industrials.
“ anything else sir” Alfred asked,
“ No thanks’ he replied “ you know when I was a kid I never knew that my father did this much paperwork for 1 big company”.
“ A company that runs all of Gotham!” alfred noted “your father would be so proud of you”
Bruce smiled.
He was about to say something when something caught his eye.
“The Batsymbol” he yelled as he ran out of the room.
Down the stairs, through the secret passage and into the Batcave.
When he was in the Batsuit he got into the batmobile and drove into the city.

In town antonio had dragged all the cops in town pointed guns and his head.
“ put your hands on your head and get on the ground”  one of the cops “ I don't want any trouble!” antonio yelled.
“ like hell” another cop yelled “ you probably work for someone like the joker!” “JOKER!” antonio yelled making all the men to shot around him. After the gunshots finished antonio yelled “ you tried to shot me!”
When Batman appeared

“They didn’t try to kill you… they were giving you a warning!”
“ Batman!” antonio grunted.
“ yes” batman replied.
“ i heard about you… you're pretty amazing” he mumbled.
“If you say i'm pretty amazing then why did you throw that cop to the ground making him get hit by a car and break that guy's wrist?” Batman asked

“ That guy tried to punch me but that guy… well that was a reflex”.
“What?” batman asked.
“Well what had happened is I was making a formula and I injected it…”
“What Formula?”
“I can’t tell you that!” Batman turned around to talk to the police when antonios legs started to wobble and in a blink of an eye kicked batman in the back of the leg.

Batman then screamed not too loud in pain.
He then turned to look at antonio making a fist.
“ It was another reflex... I swear” but batman paid no attention raising his fist and about to hit antonio when he grabbed it.
“ You were going to punch me” Antonio yelled “I said it was a reflex but still you were going to punch me!”
With anger he punched Batman in the chest pushing him to the ground. Batman got up and put up his guard.
He went for another punch to to his shoulder.
Of course he dodged it punching Batman in the nose.
Batman yelled in pain. He then grabbed batman pushing him to the ground once more.
Batman stayed down this time.
He was about to head get punched into the ground by Antonio.
He was 3 inches away from punching him a third time but rolled out of the way.
The force of Antonio's hand punched a hole in the ground.
HOLY SHIT! Batman thought.
“AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!” Antonio screamed in pain from punching solid Rock.
He was going to attempt to get a punch at the strong man but failed by missing by 1 cm and punched in the chest pushing him into a police car smashing the window.
It took a while for batman to get back on his feet but while he was recovering antonio escaped into a alley.
Batman layed there for a bit trying to bring all of his strength back together he gathered just enough to stand and look around.
But to Batman's concern he was 100% gone.

As for antonio he had escaped into an alley and a dark gritty one it was.
He looked around and there was nobody there but his he looked back to see if anybody was following him nobody was as he turned around and out of nowhere running down the alley a woman corner was running and bumped into him and dropped a Ruby in the shape of a Rose.

As he picked up the Rose shaped Ruby the woman snached it off of him in a flash.
As the woman was picking up other items that she had dropped out of her purse but Antonio recognised her  “ hey you're Poison Ivy one of Gotham’s worst criminals”.
“So what” she replied “aren’t you going to help me i'm kind of in a rush?” Sure Antonio gasped.
OK now what's your name Antoni… Bane my name is Bane… “ BANE!” she yelled in surprise “Isn’t the one of the Synonyms for Bane... Death and Destruction?” “ yeah” he interrupted “so?” She lifted an eyebrow and at that exact moment 3 night guards ran round a corner with their flashlights and flashed them at the 2 people.

“ Hey you 2 stop!” yelled one of the guards running towards them.
Bane was annoyed of everybody trying to arrest him so he grabbed one of them and threw him at the others knocking all of them onto the ground. “ OK can we go now!” he asked poison ivy.
The two then ran out the other end of the alley escaping from the night guards.

By the time all that happened Batman had left to talk to Commissioner Gordon at the GCPD.
“That man was using steroids mixed with some other alarming chemicals” Batman replied.
“he told me that it was all a accident”.
How in the world was that an accident? Gordon Asks.
“Reflexes Commissioner! Reflexes” Batman Replied “But I think that all of the ones after kicking me in the back was not a reflex and I don't think he likes me in fact he Hates me now.
“Dammit!” Gordon yelled we could've used his formula on policemen to stop the criminals.
“Yeah” batman replied “ but for what! All that stuff is good for is messing up your mind and breaking people's bones… policemen are supposed to stop Crime Not make more of it!”

At house number 102 b there were Poison Ivy and Bane.
Bane had brung Poison Ivy to his house so he could get the ingredients to make more of the super soldier serum.
“Hey Bane I need to go to the loo.
Door right closest to the lounge” Bane Revealed.
Poison Ivy walks down the hallway and round the corner towards the toilet and goes in the door.
As Bane was picking up the Marijuana, Steroids and Venom he walked back into the hallway ready to go when he started to feel different again.
This time his body wasn’t feeling stronger but instead he was feeling weaker.
He dropped the ingredients onto the ground and screamed with no warning.
Poison ivy was just washing her hands when she heard the scream.
Bane then screamed again and with something else. His scalpels and spine where moving. They Jiggled and Squirmed. Finally they stopped and he took off his mask. And looked in the mini mirror at the end of the hall. His face was normal. No popping veins, just skin over a skull. Ivy then came out of the bathroom and saw his face. “ Drug Face Diego!” she bragged when she saw his face. “ I saw you at blackgate and asked one of the other prisoners and whispered “Drug Face Diego”
“So now you know who I really am!” he looked down in despair.  “Who cares” Ivy raved  “ I was 4 eyed Plant girl at my school”  Antonio smiled “ come on let's get going. So they walked out the door and got into poison ivy's car they got their in.“OK so where do you live?” asked Bane, “ 112 atmay st” she replied “ well I don't know where that is so you drive!” “Okey dokey” Ivy advised in happy and joy. She then got into the driver's seat and drove off. In the batcave batman had just gotten back from the big fight and was still healing from bane throwing him onto the car. He was so tired soon he fell asleep. He started to have a dream but the dream was more of a flashback. A flashback to when he was a kid, when he fell down the flight of stairs and his mother and father came rushing to his rescue. “ BRUCE!, BRUCE!’ they yelled with his father picking him up and taking him to his room. A few seconds later he woke up. It was all a bad dream. Or was it? He looked at the clock and saw that it had been 2 hours since he fell asleep. He was so sad that his parents were murdered 32 years ago.

In the meantime Poison Ivy and Bae had gotten to Ivy's secret lair. He got out his door and rushed to the other side of it to open hers. When he opened it she gave him his purse and walked into the door of the house. She opened the door and yelled “Freezy we got a guest!” she was yelling to   a guy at the other side of the room. And when he brought his head out it was a kid. “ so who’s the guest?” he asked Ivy “Bane” she replied and just in time to say it because he just got in the room. “Who are you?” the kid asked. “Im bane... and... you look familiar!” “Like who?” the kid asked Bane paused for a minute thinking. “Your Mr. Freeze!” Bane reported surprised. “ Yeah” The kid boomed “ So What?” “ so what! You were the only one of the villain team to not get arrested by the GCPD!” Freeze lifted both his eyebrows in impression. “ You were the only one to escape I mean you! A 13 year old got away. Not Joker, Not Penquin, Not Catwoman, YOU!” Freeze lowered his eyebrows and turned around picking up a large grenade gun. “ woow woow woow, Look I know your Mr. Freeze one of Batman's greatest enemies but..” he turned to Ivy standing near her plants listening to their conversation “Ivy are you seriously going to allow a kid to hold a grenade gun!” there was a pause for one second until Freeze  “It's not a grenade gun. It's a Freeze Ray” Bane turned slowly to Mr. Freeze with his eyes popping out. “You're telling me that Grenade launcher is actually a Freeze Ray!” Freeze nodded. Bane was surprised enough. He didn’t want any more surprises. He started to look around and saw that Mr. Freeze was on a blue misty side and that Poison Ivy was on a plant covered side. He saw that there was 3 parts of the house. But they had only taken 2 parts. He looked at the third place. It was a wood desk and a mirror with no ice or snow neither plants or flowers. It was like an office.
“Whose third of the place is this?” bane asked Ivy but just before she could answer Mr. Freeze answered instead.
“ nobody's… that’s a third of the house that we kept normal incase we had another person join us…”
“ You can have it if you like” Ivy noted butting into Mr. Freeze’s conversation.
Bane walked towards the desk and put down the Marijuana, Steroids and Venom.Freeze looked at the ingredients in disbelief. He kept changing to where he looked, he looked at the ingredients then looked at bane, then looked at the ingredients again. Finally he had the words to say
“YOU BROUGHT A DRUGGY INTO OUR HOUSE!” Freezes voice yelled in anger!“ He is a nice man who helped me escape from the police.
“ I do not care if he helped you climb Mount Everest... Get him out of here!”
His yelling was serious and full of reason. Ivy was annoyed that Mr. freeze had called her new boyfriend a Druggy. She turned her head with her body following and watered her plants.  

In the batcave Batman had gotten back and started to scan the fingerprints that Bane had left on his suit.  Alfred had walked into the batcave giving him his late dinner. “ what time is it alfred?” Bruce asked alfred. “ Midnight Sir” alfred replied While putting down his supper.
“ Do you need any help with the scanning?” alfred asked Bruce
“No alfred” he had replied.  
“ if I may ask what are you scanning?”  
“ The man's fingerprints from earlier tonight, It took a while to think of but it did finally come to me that he wasn’t wearing gloves and did put his fingers on my suit so his fingerprints would be on it”
“ well you better hurry because gordon's partner bullock is putting together a bunch of scientists to look at the crime scene and figure out who he is too”
“ well they wouldn’t have any luck because his fingerprints aren't on any records whatsoever!”
I think the formula that he was talking about must have rearranged his fingerprints…” the machine in front of him beeped “...Damn!” he yelled.
“ well maybe you should find him and just ask him” alfred insisted
“ no way” Bruce screamed
“I asked him the first time I saw him and didn’t say so what makes you think now that he would tell me…” “how much percent does he hate you?” alfred asked
“ well maybe you should take that other 1% a little more seriously!”

at Ivy's lair Freeze was giving a nasty stare at bane. Bane was sitting sitting near ivy putting his arms around her and Ivy was patting her plant on her lap.
“I still don't believe that you brought Drug Addict Into this house! I mean did you not See the sign that I NAILED! Into the front door saying NO DRUGS ALLOWED!” Ivy turned her head not looking at freeze and Bane still putting his arm around her only this time he moved closer and put all over his arm around her shoulders.

In the morning Jason was having crumpets for breakfast.
“ alfred… do you think bruce needs to lighten up a little I mean come on he literally can take a the funniest joke on earth and cannot take a giggle”
“Sometimes men will smile… and some won't. But master Bruce is between… well more on the not side but still between”
He then looked to the ceiling as his next words were “He can laugh when he wants to but sometimes he can’t!”

Just when he finished speaking Bruce wayne walked in the room.
“You should get to school soon Jason. You need to get a B+ or something” jason was rolling his eyes to this “I don't put you in school so you can forget everything and live every second of your life as Robin!”
Jason stood up and stormed out of the room.
“He just wants a father that will accept what he is doing!” alfred sassed.
Bruce then walked out of the mansion and drove Jason to school.

At the abandoned house bane had put on some spanish music and was dancing to it. Poison ivy was watching Bane dance while smiling at it. But Freeze was trying to ignore it.
“Why do you dance to music when you are going to defeat your enemy?” Mr. Freeze asked
“ well not all of us spanish do but I find it calm, soothing and faster to think.
Freeze was not a concerning person so he just looked away. Bane continued dancing and freeze well he was getting more and more annoyed. “ we need to figure out how are going to take down the Batman” freeze ranted fast loud and clear. Bane then stopped.
“How are we going to take down the batman?” he hissed turning to Mr. Freeze
“ how are we going to take down the batman?” he hissed even louder.
“ while you were busy complaining about my music I thought of a great plan!” Freeze stood up and make a straight face.
“ I thought about what we can do to Batman is that we could break into a jewelry store punch around some of the guards and when batman gets her hide and get him when his back is turned!” Bane gushed
“well this would be a great plan if it would actually work!”
Bane then turned his head and went closer to Freeze.
“Batman is a skilled fighter! A whole room full of finely trained assassins took him on but got taken down in 2 minutes. You think he wouldn’t be able to see you coming!” freeze concluded.
Bane was stopped to think over. He walked to the couch that poison ivy was sitting on. Freeze was getting too hot so he stood up walking over to his side of the room again. He grabbed his Freeze Ray and threw it to Bane.
“You know how fast that thing could Freeze somebody?” He asked Bane.
“How?” Bane replied
“2.5 seconds!” he shouted
“I created that machine to freeze anything in a matter seconds. It Is very useful on anything except for the metal space shuttles are made of. Those things are built to withstand the cold and vacuum of space. Everything I create I create in a sub zero state and not even that could take down Batman”

Bane was uninterested and put the gun onto the chair and walked into the kitchen. He opened the cupboard and grabbed a blender. Then he closed the cupboard and opened a draw. In the draw he grabbed out a cutting knife and sieve and a cup.
He got the equipment and walked back to his share of the house.
When he got there he put the equipment onto the table and plugged the blender into the wall. Once he did he put the marijuana that he brought from his house into the blender and put the lid on.
He pushed down the blend button and got the steroids and venom he brought from his house to. Once the marijuana was blended he poured the steroids and venom in with it.
With that he pushed the blend button and got the sieve and the cup ready for when it had all mixed.
And when it did he put the sieve over the cup and poured the juice into the cup leaving the little bits of marijuana behind.
Once it was all in the cup he grabbed his injection needle and put the juice into the injection needle and got ready to inject himself in the vains in his wrist.
Freeze was watching this because he was interested in what he was doing.
Ivy was also watching.
They were both watching Bane prepare to inject himself.
After a few seconds he did injected himself.
It was all quiet at first but then Bane started to change.
Veins started to appear on his face.
Not only was Bane's Face changing but his head started to tilt a little bit to the left.
It went to the left then back to normal then back left again.
Freeze was very interested in what was happening to Bane.
Not only him but Ivy was paying close attention to.
Bane was having pain all around his body.
So much pain he started to scream.
He was even losing control of his arms and legs.
He fell on his back on the floor.
He was really losing control of his body.
He got up on 2 feet grabbed hold of a table and ripped the top off it.
Once he had ripped it off he threw it across the room.
He started screaming a little louder when bam he stopped screaming.
All was quiet.
Ivy and Freeze were staring at Bane.
He had his back to them.
He took a deep breath and turned around.
When he did Freeze and Ivy were really surprised at what they were seeing.
They didn't expect it.
Bane had popping veins all over his face.
Bane just stood there for a second before pulling his mask out of his pocket and putting it on.  

At Gotham high Bruce had dropped Jason at School.
He was about to drive off when he heard someone calling “Bruce”.
For a minute he thought he was hallucinating but when he looked about the car window he saw a woman.
“Isabel” he shouted recognizing the woman.
“Yes Bruce it's me Isabell!”
Bruce then opened the car door and hoped out.
“Man I haven't seen you in forever” “ yeah its been quite some time” she added.
Bruce brought up a smile while saying “so do you work here?”
“yes, I am the Drama teacher here at gotham high… but enough about me how are you doing?” “
Oh i'm doing just great!”

The two were just looking at each other now
so you are the… owner of wayne enterprises I hear” “yes yes I am” the two were now smiling at each other.
But then the bell rang
“ hey I got to get going but ah see you around” the woman cheered
“OK!” bruce replied before getting into his car.
The woman then walked into the school while bruce drove away yelling “see ya”

As he was driving away he started to think.
He decided to go back and scan the fingerprints again.
“Something may be on there!” he thought speeding up the car's speed driving to wayne manor.

When he got back to wayne manor he ran straight in the doors.
He ran across the room and stopped in front of a brick wall. He then put his hand onto the table and pushed the top button of a alarm clock.
When he pushed it the walls in front of him brock in two and went either side leading to a secret passage.

When he walked inside the walls behind him closed shut leaving him to a flight of stairs.
He then ran down the stairs. When he was at the bottom he was in the Batcave.
He ran straight to the Batcomputer and started typing.
On the computer he was telling the computer to look in deeper in the finger prints.
The computer then started to scan the fingerprints.
“NO MATCH!” The computer advised.
But Bruce wasn’t convinced. He then started to think.
He was thinking about how the mysterious man fought him.
The man's fingerprints were untraceable.
So his blood would be untraceable.
But if a formula changed it. Then if you remove it.
It would be traceable.

He then got back onto his computer and wailed  “computer.
Scan for any traces of of unknown substance in the fingerprints!” the computer then started to scan the fingerprints.
“Unknown substance found!” the computer reported.
“Remove it” Bruce snapped.
The computer then had a beam go up and down on the suit “removing Substance” the computer exclaimed.
Then two more cloud beams came down on the suit scanning and changing the fingerprints.

After a few moments of scanning the beams had stopped bruce and the computer were silent and then out of nowhere the computer crowed “substance removed!” bruce then bulged out his eyes jumped out of chair and screamed “YEEEESSSSSS!!!!... Yes Yes Yes oh Yes!”
Then he sat right down  
“computer... scan fingerprints” he insisted
“on it” the computer boomed.

After a few scans the computer boasted.
“Match Found!” and brought up a page on the computer screen.
Antonio diego… AKA Drug Face Diego.
Arrested 3 times for Selling, Smoking and Buying Marijuana.
“WoW!” Bruce was really surprised.

“Hey computer?” he asked “what is the substance that was found on the fingerprints?”
“ the substance that was found on the fingerprints is made up of 3 illegal drugs!” the computer began
“and what are thoes 3 illegal drugs?” he asked
“Marijuana, Steroids and Toxins!” it replied.
Bruce was speechless.
He was about to say something when he stopped and started to think.

After a few moments he put some words together to say
“how do I get past this formula and defeat him?”
“well” the computer explained “to take down the person injected with the formula is you need to twist the wrist.
The twist will send a wave confusing the substance to go into the human stomach but is poisonous making the person vomit the formula out of the body” bruce was relieved that he now knew how to defeat that guy.

It was 8:27, the Gotham Bank was 33 minutes from closing time.
Everyone who was there was collecting money or leaving. There was only 9 people there because it was near closing time.
Just then Bane, Poison Ivy and Mr.
Freeze walked in the doors.
“Hey no masks!’ one of the guards hissed “we need faces for cameras” at that moment Freeze walked in front of bane and froze the guard.
The second guard then jumped out of his seat and went to shoot the kid but he was too late because freeze then froze that guard.
After he had froze them two bane walked up to the counter.
“We got money!, please don't hurt me” the man at the counter wailed.
“I'm not here to hurt you…” Bane then looked down at the man's name tag and saw that it named Bryce. “... Bryce.
Huh that's a nice name.
You know that was my grandfather's name… before he was murdered!”.
The man at the counter was full of fear and hardly even breathing.
Bane then walked away from the counter and smashed the glass case that some old money was stored in.
Then one of the other person at the counter pushed the big red silent alarm button.
At wayne manor Jason was in the Batcave punching a punching bag while batman was out.
Then alfred walked in the room with a chocolate covered hot chocolate and 2 marshmallows. One pink and one white.
Alfred then put the cup and saucer on the beach not to far from the punching bag.
Jason then stopped punching and walked over to the bench and picked the cup up. Just before he took a sip he asked alfred “do you know where Bruce went?” alfred shook his head meaning no.
Jason then took a little smirk before drinking a little bit of his drink.
Jason then sat down on the chair next to the bench.

At that time the Batmobile raced into the Batcave making a instant stop.
Batman then jumped out of the Batmobile and took of his cowl.
“Where were you?” Jason asked “I was out taking a look at our mystery mans house.
Well now he's not a mystery man because I got through the fingerprint wall and found out that this man is actually Antonio Diego AKA Drugface Diego”.
Jason was surprised from all this info.
“I didn’t know you found all of this out” Jason griped “You should have told me!” Bruce then sat down. “You were at school” Bruce murmured.
Jason took another sip from his coffee.
Alfred then put a cup of coffee on the table where Bruce was sitting.
He then picked up his coffee and took a big gulp.
Alfred then went up the stairs to wayne manor.
Jason then got out of his chair and was about to take a wef punch’s when he saw the bat signal logo blinking on the Bat Computer screen.
“BRUCE!” Jason yelled, Bruce then jumped out of his chair and saw the blinking too.
He then ran to a table and put on his cowl And jumped into the batmobile with Jason following (of course he was in the Robin suit).
The two then raced out of the cave.
Batman then turned on a little screen in the Batmobile and pushed the bar reading “Commisioner Gordon” the screen then started to ring but after 4 rings Commissioner Gordon answered.
“Batman?” Gordon asked “yes Commissioner, whats going on?” “it's the mystery man from before… he's broken into the bank and all the cops are Frozen!”  just then the commissioner let out a scream and hung up the phone.
“Beep... beep... beep... beep” the screen went.
Batman then turned it off.
“Batman… what does jim mean by Frozen?” Robin asked
“I don't know… but who is the only criminal who uses ice to his advantage?” Robin was quiet for a moment thinking but then yelled “FREEZE!!!”.
Antonio must have teamed up with Freeze to make himself more powerful!”
He then turned the Batmobile to full turbine and made the car go twice as faster.

When the two reached the bank they were really surprised.
There were frozen cops everywhere, plants covering the cop cars and smashed windows.
“What the hell is going on here?” Robin raved.
The two were now taking a closer look while staying in the Batmobile.
Just then Batman's window smashed and Batman got pulled out of the car.
Then Robin's window got smashed and he got pulled out of the car. The two were let go and they jumped onto their feet.
The two then realized that it wasn’t just Antonio and Freeze… but it was Antonio, Freeze and Poison ivy.
Robin stared in surprise but batman kept a straight face.
Now Batman and Robin were out numbered by 1 but that never stopped them before. Now all 5 of them were staring at each other waiting to make a move.
All was quiet for the couple of seconds.
“Antonio… why are you doing this” Batman asked “my name is not Antonio… it is Bane.
And I am doing this for revenge! That night we meet I never wanted to fight you… but you did. When that punch came hurling towards me I realized that you were no hero!” Batman's teeth were now going side to side.
But then Mr. Freeze pointed his gun at Batman and fired a endless roll of ice.
But Batman dodged all of them by ducking down real low and threw one of his Batarangs at the gun making it backfire back at Freeze.
Robin then ran at Bane punching him in the chest making no damage what so ever. Bane then grabbed Robin's robins neck and began to strangle him.
Batman then ran towards Bane but Freen then kicked him onto the ground and was about to freeze him.
Robin then put two fingers together and fastly poked Bane in the neck.
Bane fell on the ground and started rubbing where the pain was in his neck.

Batman was fighting Mr. Freeze and noticed Robin running into the bar opposite the bank  and Bane struggling on his feet to follow him.
Mr. Freeze then punched him in the stomach making Batman fall on his back.
When Bane got on his feet he walked into the shop that Robin had ran into to kill him.
Mr. Freeze then put his foot on Batman's neck and began to strangle him.
Batman began to choke but got out his grappling gun and shot it right at Mr. Freeze’s face.
He then took a couple of steps back before getting his freeze ray and about to freeze him when he grabbed the grappling gun handle and pushed the pull button and it pulled Mr. Freeze towards Batman.
He then tripped and face planted onto the ground.
In the shop Bane was looking for Robin. He looked behind the bar, he looked in the cupboards he even looked under every table with sheets covering the sides. Except for one.
He turned and stared at the one table which he had not checked.
He started to walk towards it.
When he was right in front of it he started to bend down and in an instant he pulled the covers off but he was not there.
He stayed bended down thinking.
Then Robin ran from behind him and jumped on his back.
He then pulled Bane's head upwards but he then grabbed Robin by the head and threw him onto the ground. Robin then got up on two legs, got out his R-a-rang and ran towards Bane and jumped on him.

Back outside Batman and bane were blocking each others punch’s.
Batman then kicked Freeze onto the top of a cop car.
The plants covering the cop car then started to cover Mr. Freeze's arms but he rip them off of him and fell on his hands and knees.
He then saw that his Freeze ray was right next to him.
He then grabbed it and got on his two feet.
Batman was about to run after Robin but saw that Freeze had his freeze ray and ran to fight him again.
Back in the Bar Bane had grabbed Robin by the neck and was beginning to pull his head up breaking his neck.
Robin was struggling so bad to breath his legs were flying all over the place. Bane was keeping still the whole time to stop Robin from escaping but Robin was struggling so much Bane could not stay 1% still.

Back outside Freeze was still fighting batman but this time with the freeze ray.
Batman punched freeze in the head grabbing it and throwing his head into the ground making a few rocks fly everywhere.
Freeze then kicked him in the stomach the grabbing his head and throwing it into the road.
He then got onto his feet and was about to freeze batman in the face  when Batman turned around seeing that freeze was about to free him so kicked the freeze ray out of his hands.
Freeze watched the freeze ray get kicked and fly over and land next to a pot plant.
Freeze then looked back at batman seeing that he was up and punched him onto the ground.
When freeze was down batman got out one of his batarangs and stabbed it into the quick freezing liquid helium tank on his back.
Batman then walked over to the freeze ray and graebed it. Freeze then got up of his feet but vary bearly and saw that batman had grabbed his freeze ray. “NOOO!!!” Freeze yelled getting up and running towards Batman.
Freeze was quite close when Batman fired the quick freezing roll of ice and frozen freeze in bis path.
He then signed and and dropped the freeze ray when Poison Ivy ran from behind a cop car and grabbed batman in the neck trying to strangle him “shit!” batman thought.

Inside the bar Robins face was bright pink.
He was seconds away from death. He was trying to get Bane's hands off his neck.
He then grabbed Banes wrist and waited a few seconds before twisting it.
Bane then let go of Robins neck.
He then rubbed his wrist from the pain and put his hand into a fst and was about to punch him right in the face when his arm started shaking.
Robin then looked at his shaking arm and Bane following his eye to his own arm.
Bane’s eyes then stared right at his arm when he let out a loud scream.
Outside Batman heard the loud scream.
And while he was distracted Poison Ivy kicked him in the chest making him fly back and hit the bonnet of a cop car.
When he slammed down he hit his head pretty hard.
Then Ivy's living plants started growing all over his body.
They covered his body, arms and legs. Ivy then walked over to him. She climbed onto him.
\He struggled really hard to get out of the plants.  and in a blink of an eye Ivy kissed him.

In the bar Bane was screaming from the pain of the formula moving in his body making its way to his stomach.
He then pulled of his mask to see that the veins on his face were changing shape every millisecond.
Even the pupils in his eyes were going small to huge to medium then back to small again.
Soon he stopped screaming and stared straight.
Robin watched in horror what was happening to Bane.
after a few moments Banes mouth made a big balloon like shape and out of nowhere vomited out bood.
The blood spurted out of his mouth falling on the floor a few paces away from Robin's feet. Robin stared at the blood for it was not just red but had bits of yellow and green in it too.
When Bane stopped vomiting he face planted onto the ground with his face covered in blood.

Back outside ivy was walking away from Batman's corps when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She quickly turned around to see that it was Batman.
She then turned around and was about to kick him when he grabbed her foot and threw her onto the ground. “How are you still alive?... I kissed you!” she screamed in fright.
“When I figured out that bane was working with Freeze I simply realised that you escaped Arkham with the help of freeze.
So I simply slipped on the anti-poison gell that a friend made me and now I have defeated you”.  

Ivy was was still frightened at batman and tried to kick him again but Batman grabbed her foot, pushed it to the ground, ran down to where Ivy's head is, picked it up and slammed it on the concrete. Ivy was knocked out and freeze was Ice so he then ran into the bar he saw Robin and Bane run into.

When he went in he saw Bane with his head covered in blood face planted on the floor and robin coffing.
He then walked over to robin.
When he saw Batman he ran towards him and gave him a big hug in fright.
“Please don’t leave me?” Robin  Sobbed“I wont” Batman Assured.

When Robin had stopped crying the two had melted the ice off  the police with Batman's mini laser.
When commissioner Gordon was out of the ice he get the other cops to put the three villains into cuffs.
Batman then walked over to Bane and saw that he was awake.
He was being taken to a police car.
“stop! “ Batman whispered and the two cops stopped walking stopping Bane too. He stared at bane and Bane stared back.
After a few seconds of staring he pulled the mask off Bane and saw what he looked like.
He then threw the mask on the ground and told the police “Take him away”. The cops then put him inside the back of a cop car with the window half down.
“¡Te conseguiré por este Batman!” Bane whispered.
He then pulled himself right to the half closed window and yelled “¡Te conseguiré por esto!”.
Everybody heard the scream and stared at the two.
One of the cops inside the cop car pulled Bane back to his seat.
The cop car then drove away.
He also saw Ivy and Freeze getting put inside their own cop car.
Robin then walked over to Batman and observed “Well at least it's over” Batman smiled and put his arms around Robin's neck.

In arkham Bane. Ivy and Freeze were put in their separate cells.
Bane was trying to break the bars of the cell but still did not have any super strength.
Poison Ivy was trying to make her plants break through but when they tried touching the bars they would fall dead on the ground. “WEED KILLER!!!” she yelled.
And further down the hall in a cell with no bars just a giant tin box with tubes pushing cold air into it.
And inside was Mr. Freeze.
He was just sitting down carving a girl shape from a block of ice.

At Police Headquarters Batman, Robin and Commissioner Gordan were talking.

“Gotham owes you a great depth of gratitude… you have been doing this for 13 years!” Robin looked up at Batman for 2 seconds and then looked back at Gordon.
“But there is a new villain!” Batman's quarter smirk went back to normal.

“Today after you took down Bane and the others I got a call saying that there was another Bank robbery on the other side of town”
Batman was really paying attention to Gordon now and was staring right at him.
“I asked who did the robbery and the Bank manager squeaked on word… Scarecrow”

Batman was listening very closely now
“He uses hallucinogenic injections on anyone that he runs into.
Do you think you can take him?

As Batman and Robin look at each other then turn back to Commissioner Gordon and at the same time these five words
“Where can we find him”.